“Applying Arendt’s Vita Activa to Religion,” Politics, Religion and Ideology. By coincidence my essay on Hannah Arendt was published in the online release of this journal just prior to this year’s 27 January, holocaust memorial day. This essay is part of a series I’ve been writing the past few years which address ways to revitalize deliberative democratic practices in light of ongoing religious divisions oft-cited as the source of expanding fissures opening up in our societies. For instance, around this time last year, “Religion in Deliberative Democratic Systems Theory,” appeared in Religions, and the year before that, “The Pragmatist Question of Sovereignty,” appeared in a special issue of Political Theology, which also included a brief “Introduction.” A monograph is planned to bring together their increasingly urgent themes. It will begin with Arendt because she so adeptly identified many of the problems we still face in multicultural democracies.