Notes about researching and teaching philosophy…
On Kant's Dog
"If Animals Have Rights, Should Robots? - This is an interesting article on animal and robot ethics. It summarizes a range of approaches before demonstrating why it might help to focus on how our ethics are shaped by our interactions with creatures and things. As the author concludes, "As people, we realize our full selves through appropriation; like most animals and robots, we approach maturity by taking on the habits of the world around us, and by wielding tools."
On Pursuing Wisdom
Craig Calhoun, "This Philosopher Has Reimainged Identity and Morality for a Secular Age," - This is a very helpful summary of Taylor's thought upon winning the inaugural Berggruen prize for philosophy. Calhoun is himself a distinguished social scientist.
On Zeno's Paradoxes
Melvin Bragg is back for a new season of In Our Time. This season begins with a discussion of Zeno's Paradoxes -
On Duchamp
Graham Priest, "It Is and It Isn't," Aeon - The essay explores Duchamp's Fountain which was part of his pioneering work in Dadaism. This latter movement influenced a range of thinkers, including Karl Barth. It is also interesting that the notion of truth being discussed here is related to the Greek notion of aletheia, and it strikes me akin to Heidegger's notion of unconcealedness.
On Habermas
Peter Gordon, "A Lion in Winter," - Interesting review of a recent biography of Jürgen Habermas.
On Lo and Behold
Werner Herzog, Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World - This is an interesting commentary on digital life today by a masterful documentary film maker. This chapter in the film focuses on the need to rethink education, shifting it to analytical and critical thinking skills.
On Gutenberg
Keith Houstan, "The Prints and the Pauper" -
On Bayle's Tolerance
"The Tolerant Philosopher: Why Pierre Bayle is the Forgotten Figure of the Enlightenment" -