Where Prayer Echoes
An amazing set of photos has been published on the NY Times' Lens blog. It's a sample of Kenro Izu's exhibition "Where Prayer Echoes," at the Howard Greenberg Gallery in Manhatten.
“Another experience nine years later in India changed how — and what — he shot. He was at a temple he had often photographed, Mr. Izu said, when he noticed how the faithful often left the sanctuary to bathe on the beach outside. In all the times he had gone there, he had not documented those rituals followed by thousands of pilgrims. ‘I had just photographed the temple from all angles from inside and outside,’ he said. ‘But without the people, it was just a shell. If you build a temple it does not have to be majestic. You can build a house, but once people come in and make an altar and start to pray, then it becomes a temple or church.’”
"Kenro Izu's Classic Portraits of the Faithful" NY Times - http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/?p=122957