On Aristotle and Trolling
“What the troll is, and in what way he trolls and for what, has now been said. And it is clear from this that there can be trolling outside the internet. For every community of speakers holds certain goods in common, and with them the conversation [dialegesthai] as an end in itself; and the troll is one who seeks to damage it from within. So a questioner can troll a political meeting, and academics troll each other in committees when they are bored; and a newspaper columnist may be a profit-troll towards a whole city. But blogs and boards and forums and comments sections are where the troll dwells primarily and for the most part. For these are weak communities, and anyone may be part of them: and so their good is easily destroyed. Hence the saying, ‘Trollsnot to be fed’. But though everyone knows this, everyone does it; for the desire to be right on the internet is natural and present to all.”
Rachel Barney, "[Aristotle] On Trolling," Journal of the American Philosophical Association - http://bit.ly/1TMuXA4