Timothy Stanley

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On Information Overload

Ann Blair, “The Multitude of Books,” https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/multitude-books. The link provides an interesting excerpt from the edited collection Information: A Historical Companion. Reminds me of the advice we often give to students at the start of the semester soon to be overloaded with reading. The helpful guides in how to read a book take on new relevance, such as Mortimer Adler’s 1940 classic by that title. Or as is sometimes needed, Peter Barry’s guide for reading theoretical texts, Beginning Theory. It outlines the SQ3R approach to: survey; question; read; recall; and, review. These days I’ve been less interested in the initial rise of print, but rather the later impact when reading practices took root in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, e.g. Immanuel Kant’s essays on book piracy.