On Listening
“As an activist on the left, I long assumed that my role consisted entirely of raising awareness, sounding alarms, and deploying arguments; it took me years to realize that I needed to help build and defend spaces in which listening could happen, too. As citizens, we understand that the right to speak has to be facilitated, bolstered by institutions and protected by laws. But we’ve been slow to see that, if democracy is to function well, listening must also be supported and defended—especially at a moment when technological developments are making meaningful listening harder. By definition, democracy implies collectivity; it depends on an inclusive and vibrant public sphere in which we can all listen to one another. We ignore that listening at our peril. Watching ‘What Is Democracy?’ today, I find that the answer lies not just in the voices of the people I interviewed. It’s also in the shots of people listening, receptively, as others speak.”
Astra Taylor, “The Right to Listen,” https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-future-of-democracy/the-right-to-listen. Interesting summary of themes in the recent documentary “What Is Democracy?” Well worth a watch as an example of deliberative democratic practices. As she rightly notes, deliberative theory can be overly enamored with speakers in an ideal public. However, more recent theory has focused on pragmatist accounts of discourse endemic to anywhere people are willing to explain themselves to each other. Moreover, as I’ve written last year, it can be coupled with democratic systems theory which apprehends interactive listening environments. Taylor pursues examples in the film as well as this essay’s debtor’s assembly. Systems theory aims to apprehend the way such assemblies could be made more robust as well as coordinated with other layers of democratic practice ranging from citizen’s juries, deliberation days, and mini-demoi to more familiar parliamentary institutions.