On the Evolution of Writing
Piers Kelly, “What the Vai Script Reveals about the Evolution of Writing,” sapiens.org/language/vai-script-evolution/. Such accounts of the relation between orality and writing always reminds me of Derrida’s early Of Grammatology. As I noted in my recent Printing Religion after the Enlightenment, “Derrida’s expanded notion of writing undercuts any privileging of written cultures precisely because language itself always already includes the logic of writing. Deconstruction applies to any culture with linguistic signification and its multiform relation to material artifacts” (p. 117). Derrida discussed these interconnections in terms of his notion of “arche-writing” (Of Grammatology, p. 60). What’s often missed is that he developed it as a “new concept . . . which I continue to call writing only because it essentially communicates with the vulgar concept of writing” (Of Grammatology, p. 56). It seems to me to be an underutilized empirical resource when considering the evolution of writing.