Notes about researching and teaching philosophy…
On Rousseau
"Chris Bertram Recommends the Best Books on Rousseau," -
On Hail Caesar!
Throughout the film the Coen's deftly juxtapose Hollywood's economic ideologies with the religious concern for idolatry. This scene provides a brief joke on religious aesthetics and metaphysics.
On Belief in Free Will
Stephen Cave, "There's No Such Thing as Free Will: But We're Better of Believing In It Anyway" -
On Deliberative Systems
Daniel Gaus, Discourse Theory’s Sociological Claim: Reconstructing the Epistemic Meaning of Democracy as a Deliberative System," Philosophy and Social Criticism - Interesting article on deliberative democratic practices, especially in light of the rise of decisionistic politics today.
On Quantifying Introspection
Mariano Sigman, "Your Words May Predict Your Future Mental Health," Ted Talks - This is an interesting application of digital techniques to ancient texts, and with startling implications for contemporary life.
On Incentives
"Which Philosopher Would Fare Best in a Present-day University," The Guardian -
On Predictability
Luciano Floridi, "The Self-Fulfilling Prophesy" -
On Aristotle and Trolling
Rachel Barney, "[Aristotle] On Trolling," Journal of the American Philosophical Association -