oliverburkeman.com/fourhours. I’d only add that if you practice this regularly over time you can find longer stretches become possible for five hours or so each day. The other thing that’s missing here is that most creative work is surrounded by other tasks that have to get done for various reasons but aren’t that challenging to accomplish. In university life there is the almost constant tedium of email and spreadsheets, but also other chores depending on your administrative roles that have to be kept at bay. The trick is to get them out of the way when energies are low and you couldn’t do focused work anyway. Work so that the focused concentration is directed to your priority publication each day no matter what else is happening and leverage that momentum to the next day and so on until it’s ready to send out for editorial review. Even if overwhelmed with crises in one day, let it go, and set the goal to protect at least four hours tomorrow knowing the technique works over the long haul.